Grace~Filled Journey
Through stories of everyday farm life raising a large, blended family, crops, and garden produce may God give each of us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know Him better. May our hearts be enlightened so that we experience God's unlimited grace and know the hope to which He has called each of us as we journey with Him. May we know the riches of His glorious inheritance and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength in our broken souls that so desperately need God’s unconditional love.
I'm Michele
I am the wife of an amazing man (Farmer Dan) who has a strong, unwavering faith and lives, eats, and breathes all things farming. We have been blessed with 7 phenomenal children and currently have 8 grandSONS, 1 granddaughter, and 1 great-granddaughter. To survive the chaos of a large family, there exists a quirky sense of humor among us - you either gotta laugh or cry - we've chosen laughter. God has given us an amazing story of His love and grace ~ full of both tears and joy ~ to Him be all the glory!