Thanksliving vs. Thanksgiving
Is there a difference? Can changing one letter in a word alter the meaning? Think about this one letter change: Sunday vs. Sinday . . . Often when I'm texting, I'll type Sinday mistakenly. Thank goodness for autocorrect in this instance! So, does thanksliving differ from thanksgiving?
As you can imagine by this picture of the grandkiddos, great-grandbaby, and plus ones, our family get togethers have a decibel rating above 70 (sounds at or below 70 are considered safe). But, oh, what a blessing these noisemakers are. Getting ready for these precious souls and then the cleaning up after the hype of being together is such a treat! The getting ready excites me of what is to come and the cleaning up reminds me of all the memories made.
Yet what I took away from our recent celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday, is why should we only celebrate the blessings God has given us for just a few days out of the year. Shouldn't there be more? More celebrating, more thankfulness, more sharing of the goodness of God?
And once Thanksgiving has passed, why do we tend to focus on the negative, the "what-ifs" in life, the hard? Why don't we shift our thoughts to the abundant gifts that God is pouring into our lives? Why are we prone to focus on others' qualities that rub us the wrong way rather than on their good qualities. Over the years I have learned to truly appreciate this truth:
Everyone has their good; everyone has their bad.
You choose which to focus on.
In Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, she challenges us to look for God in all situations and people. What a life changing book that was for this girl who struggles with negativity! Rather than focusing on the hard, the ugly, the unfair, I have been trying to change my focus to the good that God is doing all around me - not just during Thanksgiving, but all year!
I want to challenge each of us to make note of the blessings God is giving us each and every day! It might be the gorgeous sunrise to start our day or the glorious sunrise at the end of a tough one. It might be the kind person who checked out our groceries or the individual who opened the door for us. It may even be a simple smile from a stranger that we notice as we're contemplating the hardship our family is currently experiencing.
A verse that I both love and struggle with implementing is Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Yeah, the picture to the right is crooked, I can either focus on the fact that it's crooked or I can see joy in the word "family". I can either focus on the work when we all get together or I can bask in the beauty of the story God has written for our crew. I can focus on the chaos or I can cherish the memories of the older adult kiddos pushing the littles around the house in the Little Tikes Cozy Coop.
Sweet friends, we have a choice. Celebrating Thanksgiving is vital, but so is the looking for what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy in the everyday grind and the difficult people along our path. Yes, indeed, changing one letter can make a difference; in fact, it can be life changing!
May the Thanksgiving season transform our hearts into a life of Thanksliving ~
Thank you for making me stop and think and focus on my blessings!!
Thank you for being one of my best blessings!
Beautiful truth and an even more beautiful writer! Happy Thanksliving!!
Words can’t describe how thankful I am for our friendship! Blessings on you!
Thankful for so many years of hearing your heart and insights and truth! Your writing, your spirit, and your face are all so beautiful! I agree with what you have shared. I believe it is gratitude that protects our hearts.
Thankful for you! Your friendship is priceless!